Crafts Beautiful Magazine

Yield a timeless skill and create effective motifs by engraving a wooden frame

What you need...
  • Wood engraver: Dremel 3000 & multi chuck
    Carving tips, Dremel: 105, 107
    Frame, wooden
    Paints, acrylic: antique green, pale green, pink
    Varnish, matt
    Fabric, gingham
    Wicker hearts
    Protective safety glasses
  1. Mix antique and pale green paint together, then use to cover the frame, leaving to dry before applying a second coat.

  2. Position a stencil to the short left-hand side of the frame and pencil around, then turn the pattern over and mark again. Repeat on the other short side of the frame and on the two longer ones.

  3. Draw a heart on each side, between the pencilled patterns, then paint them pink. Place a multi chuck and 105 tip in the tool, turn to a speed you’re happy with and carve around the hearts and stencilled pattern.

  4. Place a 107 tip in and carve out the centre of the stencilled design. Wipe the frame with tissue to remove any residue of dust, then paint with varnish. Leave to dry before applying a second coat. Decorate the centre with card, ribbon and a wicker heart.
