Crafts Beautiful Magazine
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In our January 2015 issue, we shared woodland makes for the new year - including this adorable keyring and accompanying tag!

What you need...
  • Felt, various colours
    Fabric: cotton, red, two co-ordinating patterns; cream, scrap
    Threads: red, navy, blue, white
    Ribbon, patterned, red
    Sewing machine
    Pinking shears
    Keyring finding
    Card, white
  1. Foxy Keyring - 1 Use the template as a guide to cut out a fox face in orange felt, place it onto scrap paper and secure with a dab of glue. Machine or hand stitch
    the white cheeks first by shaping lines of straight stitch in the direction of the template so they are close together. Use navy thread to stitch the eyes, nose and hair tuft. Tear away the paper that shows. Set aside.

    2 Cut a green rectangle, 6cm x 7cm, snip the top and bottom edges with pinking shears. Create a strip of patterned cotton fabric, 3cm x 7.5cm, and stitch it across the green felt, 1cm up from the bottom, making sure to fold the two raw ends over to the back before stitching. Using the image as a guide, secure the fox head in place by stitching twice around the edge in navy thread.

    3 Hand or machine stitch the word ‘foxy’ just above the head. Cut red felt, 6.5cm x 7.5cm, and a small length of red patterned ribbon. Place the green finished piece on top of the red and trap the loop of ribbon, with the keyring finding through it, centred at the top. Sew them together using red thread around the edges of the green felt.

  2. New Year Tag - 1 Cut white card, 7.5cm x 12cm, and make a fold 1.5cm from one end. Cover the folded strip with the red patterned fabric using an acid-free glue stick, tucking the raw edge over onto the back. Leaving the fold open for now, cover the remaining white card with the co-ordinating fabric up to the fold line affixing in place with glue.

    2 Cut a piece of plain cream fabric, 6cm x 9cm, and back it with interfacing. Place it onto your tag so the top edge will be hidden under the folded flap. Machine stitch six lines across it using pale blue thread and sew your greeting in navy thread. Fold flap down and punch a hole in the middle of it to thread your remaining ribbon through.

    3 Cut out two green leaves from felt and, using the same paper technique as the fox head, stitch the details in navy thread. Secure them to the top left with a small dab of glue.
