Crafts Beautiful Magazine

Sew spooky bunting, badges and a treat bag for a fun Halloween with the kids

What you need...
  • Felt: orange, green, yellow, black
    Cotton: orange, green; lining, cream
    Tape, fabric, bunting
    Thread: black, white
    Pins, brooch x 2
    Glue, fabric
    Shears, pinking
  1. Trick Or Treat Bag - 1 Cut two orange cotton rectangles and two lining sheets, 25cm x 35cm each. Draw a large pumpkin on card, then use as a template to create an orange felt motif. Trim a small green stalk. Snip black triangles for eyes and a zig zag mouth, then a banner
    from white. Glue them into place, then appliqué in black. Machine embroider details to the pumpkin and add a sentiment to the banner.

    2 Put the front section right side down with the lining, then sew along the top edge. Repeat with the other two, then press. Lay the
    right sides of the orange sections together and stitch, leaving a gap in the lining.

    3 Turn out and press. Close the gap, then push the lining inside to make the bag. Next, cut two handles from green cotton, 10cm x 30cm. Fold each one in half, right sides together, then sew into tubes. Turn out, press and sew to the top of the bag to finish.

  2. Halloween Bunting - 1 Draw a triangle with two 23cm sides and an 18cm top onto card. Trim and use as a template to cut orange and green flags, six of
    each. Trim two black witch hats, two white ghosts and two orange pumpkins from felt, then glue into place on three of both colours.
    Stitch them down, embroidering the motifs as you go.

    2 Put the decorated flags right sides together with plain sections and sew, leaving the tops open. Turn out and press. Pin them in
    alternate colours along bunting tape, 1.5m, folding and hiding the raw edges of the flags inside. To finish, sew along the tape to secure
    and press.

  3. Halloween Brooch - Cut two 8cm circles from felt. Glue a brooch back to one and trim a little motif to the other. Machine embroider the shape into place and write a sentiment. Stitch the two circles together, then use pinking shears around the edge to shape.
