Crafts Beautiful Magazine

Whip up Corinne Bradd's stylish and sturdy shoppers

What you need...
  • Fabric, cotton: printed; plain white
    Matching thread
    Sewing machine
  1. 1. Cut printed and white cotton, 35cm x 75cm. Fold in half, right sides together, and sew down the back seam with a 5mm allowance. Move the seam to the centre of the bag and sew across the bottom of each tube, leaving a 10cm gap in the middle of the seam on the lining piece.

    2. Pinch the bottom corners of each fabric piece, so that the bottom seam lays in line with the side of the bag, and stitch across the point made to create a box bottom. Trim away the excess fabric.

    3. Snip two strips of printed fabric, 8cm x 60cm. Fold the long sides to the middle of each piece, then fold in half to create a 2cm wide strap. Topstitch down each side, 2mm in from the edges. Turn the printed bag right sides out and flatten. Pin and tack the straps to the top edge of the bag on both sides, matching up the raw edges.

    4. Slip the wrong side out lining over the bag outer and match up the top raw edges. Pin together, ensuring the handles stay between the outer and lining. Sew all the way around the top with a 1cm seam allowance, double stitching over the ends of the straps for security. Turn the bag right sides out through the gap in the lining.

    5. Fold in the raw edges of the gap and topstitch closed. Push the lining inside the outer and press the top seam. Run a line of stitching around the top of the bag, 4mm from the seam.
