Crafts Beautiful Magazine


Stitched Baby Gifts

Designer: Sally Southern
baby, crafts, papers, sewing, stitching,
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Use scraps of your favourite fabrics to create a beautiful selection of baby keepsakes

What you need...
  • Fabrics, patterned, four
    Felt, white
    Interfusible webbing
    Threads, embroidery
    Trims, pompom, flower
    Button, heart-shaped
    Ribbon, organza, thin, red
    Filler, soft toy
    Marker pen, vanishing
    Book blank, heart-shaped
    Papers, patterned, five
    Computer, printer
    Safety pin
  1. Mini Cushion - 1 Referring to the template, cut two heart shapes from one of your fabrics. Trace the patch templates onto the back of interfusible webbing then trim out. Iron these to the reverse of your chosen materials. Cut out, peel off the paper backing and arrange on one of the heart motifs.

    2 Cut a piece of white felt, 10cm x 4.5cm, and sew to the centre of the patched heart using running stitch around the edges. Write the name of the baby and date of birth onto the fabric using vanishing marker pen.

    3 Sew over these letters using backstitch. Add stitches and a button at both ends of the white felt patch. Sew along the edges of the patches on the heart to decorate.

    4 Place the two heart shapes with right sides facing, and pin around the edges. Sew together, leaving an 8cm opening. Turn through to the right side and press flat. Stuff with soft toy filler then stitch up the gap. Finish by tacking a pompom trim around the edges of the heart.

  2. Baby Book - 1 Take a heart-shaped book and cover with printed paper. The best way to do this is to stick a larger sheet to the front and carefully trim using a craft knife.

    2 Cut three pieces of printed paper to make the patches, then secure them in place with a gluestick. Fix a flower trim along the joins. Use the computer to print the words ‘our baby girl’ or ‘our baby boy’ onto plain paper. Mount onto patterned paper using foam pads.

    3 Snip a piece of blue patterned paper slightly larger and secure the label on top. Fix the label to the front of the book using foam pads. Cut two long lengths of thin ribbon and adhere to the inside front and back covers of the book so that it can be tied shut. Use different printed papers to cover the
    pages inside.
