Crafts Beautiful Magazine

Snuggle up with our trio of sew lovely home comforts

What you need...
  • Print cotton fabric
    Plain cotton fabric, lime
    Wadding, wool felt
    Grosgrain ribbon
    Waste canvas, 14 count
    Co-ordinating thread
    Embroidery thread, DMC stranded
    Elasticated bands, pink covered
    Fusible interfacing
    Thin card
  1. Cafetiere Cosy - 1 Measure the circumference and height of the glass cafetière body and subtract 2cm from each. Divide both by two to give the number of squares required for the height and width. Multiply for the total number of fabric squares needed.

    2 Cut the required number of 3cm squares and arrange in a panel. Sew in pairs, right sides together, using a 5mm allowance. Finger-press the seams to one side, then stitch in blocks of four. Connect the blocks, then press. Place on wadding, topstitch and trim.

    3 Cut several strips of plain cotton, 3cm wide, then join end to end to make a length of binding. Sew around the right side edge of the patchwork, mitring the corners. Fold the binding to the wrong side, fold under 5mm on the raw edge and slipstitch the reverse of the panel.

    4Create two 5cm loops of ribbon, then seal the raw ends. Stitch the loops to one short end of the patchwork, so they fall inside the handle. Wrap the fabric around, mark the position of each loop on the other end, then handstitch buttons to these marks.

  2. Jam Jar Cover - 1 Fold cotton fabric, 20cm square, in half one way, then the other, to find the centre. Place a square of waste canvas over the fabric, marking the centre with a pin, then tack around the edge to hold it in place.

    2 Following the chart for the fruit and flower basket design, create the lines of cross stitch, working outwards from the centre of the canvas. Use two strands of embroidery thread for the cross stitch and one strand for

    3 When all the stitching is complete, pull out the waste canvas threads; dampen the canvas first and use tweezers. Press the jar cover, then use a compass to draw a circle, 17cm diameter, on the back with the point in the centre of the design. Trim using pinking shears.

  3. Egg Cosies - 1 Iron interfacing to pink, white, green and red fabric, 6.5cm square. Using the templates, cut a large circle in pink, a small disc in white, a strawberry in red and leaves in green. Iron the fruit and leaves onto the white, remove the paper, edge with blanket stitch and add French knots to the strawberry.

    2 Using the egg cosy template, prepare one front and back in floral and white. Iron the pink circle onto the main front and edge in blanket stitch. Iron the strawberry appliqué to the pink, and edge in the same way. Sew the main cosy, right sides together, leaving the bottom unstitched.

    3 Sew the lining fabric in the same way, leaving a gap at the top. Turn the main cosy out and place inside the lining. Pin, then stitch the lining to the cosy along the bottom edge. Use the gap in the lining for turning
    the cosy out. Press, then seal the gap. Top with a loop of ribbon and a tiny button.
