Keep your stitching tools nice and tidy with this set, featuring a pincushion, scissor case and needle wrap
What you need...
- Fabric: Tilda, mini spot, red: mille, teal
Ribbon, linen, heart print
Felt flowers, cream
Buttons, pink
Paper flowers
Thread: embroidery, machine
Pincushion - 1 Cut out four 8cm squares from spotty and floral fabric, then stitch them together in matching pairs using a 1cm seam allowance, so there are four sets. Join two of the assembled squares together, making sure that a spotty piece is attached to a floral one and repeat.
2 With the right sides of the fabric facing, lay one assembled square on top of the other, matching the seams. Sew around the borders of the square and leave a small gap along one edge. Trim away any bulk and turn it out. Tease the corners and seams, then press.
3 Cut two squares of wadding to the size of the patchwork and fit inside, making sure that the corners are filled, then slip-stitch the gap closed. Wrap a length of heart linen ribbon around it, overlap the ends and secure. Repeat the process in the opposite direction.
4 Layer a paper flower on top of a felt one, together with a button. Sew the assembled flower over the ribbon in the centre of the cushion, working through all the layers and pulling the threads tight. Wrap a length of ribbon underneath the flower and tie in a bow to finish. -
Scissor Case - 1 Cut spotty fabric, 10cm x 46cm, and a floral piece, 10cm x 24cm. Fold the floral rectangle in half, then lay to match the shorter base of the spotty rectangle. Position a 10cm length of ribbon above the folded edge of the floral, then fold the top of the spotty rectangle over and down to meet the 10cm base.
2 Pin through all the layers, then stitch down each side with a 1cm seam allowance. Turn out through the base, tease the two top corners and the seams, then press. Turn the base of the floral and the spotty rectangle up, then stitch across the base, through all the layers. Trim away the corners and push back down to make a pocket for the case. Push out the corners and press.
2 Fold the spotty top of the case down and place under the ribbon. Layer the paper flower on top of the fabric one and add a pink button. Sew this to the centre at the base of the spotty flap. Finally, cut a length of cord, tie in a bow and stitch to the middle of the heart ribbon. -
Needle Wrap - 1 Cut two spotty rectangles, 12cm x 14cm, and two floral, 10cm x 12cm. Lay 14cm of heart ribbon across the centre of a spotty piece. Make a small loop out of the linen cord and pin it to one end of the ribbon. Fold a spotty rectangle over itself, with the right sides of the fabric facing, then pin and stitch around the edge, leaving a gap in one of the edges. Turn to the right-side through the gap and ease out the corner, then press and slip-stitch it closed.
2 Repeat the process with the floral rectangles, omitting the ribbon and cord. Lay a prepared floral rectangle onto the back of the spotty one. Draw a line along the spine of the case and stitch. Finally, sew a pink button onto the ribbon at the opposite end of the loop, then fold the case along the spine and fasten.
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