What you need...
- Fabric: Spotty green, white, pink
Curtain interlining
Pink cord
Sewing machine and matching thread
Scissors and pins
Hot water bottle
Hot Water Bottle Cover - 1 Cut two rectangles in spotty fabric, 7cm longer and wider than your hot water bottle, then cut two more in curtain interlining. From white lining fabric, trim two rectangles the same width but 1.5cm longer than the first rectangles.
2 Lay the two spotty rectangles right sides facing, then position a curtain interlining on either side, sandwiching the spotty fabric inside. Stitch down each side and across the base with a 1cm seam allowance. Trim the bulk from the corners, then turn the bag to the right side. Tease out the corners and press flat.
3 Repeat the process with the two white lining pieces, leaving a gap in the stitching line at the base. Place the spotty bag inside the unturned white one. Match the side seams together, then stitch through all the layers around the top of the bag with a 1.5cm seam allowance.
4 Turn the cover to the right side through the gap in the base of the lining. Hand-stitch the gap closed, then fold the lining inside the cover; the extra length creates a white border around the top of the cover.
5 Make a row of stitching through all layers, 8cm below the top-edge, right around the cover, then another row of stitching 1.5cm below the first line to form a channel. Unpick the few stitches between the stitched channel in both side seams.
6 Attach a safety pin to the end of pink cord. Thread the cord through the unpicked hole, around the channel and out where it entered. Repeat the process, entering through the opposite side seam.
7 Make two pink pom-poms, then stick or stitch the ends of the cords into them. Adhere Bondaweb to the back of a small pink heart shape, then attach to the front. Place the hot water bottle inside the cover, pull the cord in opposite directions to gather the top, then tie in a bow.
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