Crafts Beautiful Magazine

Decorate your home with pops of colour this christmas, thanks to Sharon Bennett’s pen-painted makes

  1. WOODEN BAUBLE - 1 Pick a desired POSCA shade in an 8K nib size and use this to thoroughly paint a bauble blank with colour. Leave to dry for five minutes. Download the downloadable templates from the Crafts Beautiful website and copy a design onto the shape using tracing paper and a pencil. Add definition with a 3M or 1MR nib uni POSCA pen in a colour of your choice.
    2 Highlight parts of the image, as shown in the photograph, using a gold pen. Create a white border and decorate with semi-circles in various colours, then colour the hanging ring gold, before threading with a decorative ribbon.

  2. GINGERBREAD DECORATIONS - 1 Colour a wooden blank using a brown background shade, then leave to dry for five minutes. Using a pencil, hand-draw a design onto the painted shape, to give it character.
    2 Add colour to the design by drawing over the pencil lines with 3M or 1MR nib pens, using a range of vibrant shades. To finish the design, embellish it with gems, outliner or sparkler sealer. Finally, thread ribbon through the holes to hang. Repeat to create more designs, but choosing different shades of pen

  3. SOURCE IT... - uni POSCA pens are available from all good stationers and branches of Hobbycraft. Purchase them online at
