Crafts Beautiful Magazine
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Paint on-trend feathers onto a wooden keepsake box to keep your precious treasures safe

What you need...
  • Box, wooden
    Paint, emulsion, cream
    Sandpaper, fine
    Varnish, acrylic, matt
    Ink, green, navy, turquoise, brown
    Paintbrushes, round, no 2 & 4
  1. Gently sand a small wooden box, providing a key for the paint. Coat with several layers of cream emulsion, sanding in between applications.

  2. Download the template and transfer the feathers onto the lid of the box. Mix turquoise and green, diluting the ink to create a wash over the feathers. Build up the depth and intensity of the colours working from light to dark.

  3. Trace two eggs and a small feather onto the front panel of the box. As with the lid, use diluted turquoise and green ink to create a wash. Dapple
    the eggs with brown ink to create a speckled effect.

  4. Trace three small eggs onto each side panel of the box. Mix turquoise and green, then dilute the ink to create a wash over the eggs. Build up the depth of colour of the eggs and create some shading. Dapple the eggs using brown to create the speckles and varnish the box to seal the paintwork.
