Crafts Beautiful Magazine

The Clangers first graced our screens over 40 years ago and now they’re back on CBeebies to charm a new generation!

What you need...
  • Knitting needles, 2.75mm
    Rowan Pure Wool DK, Dew, 50g
    Felt: black, red, pink, orange, yellow
    Thread: gold, black, red, pink, orange, yellow
    Toy stuffing
    Needle, tapestry
    Safety pins

  1. Abbreviations & Details - FINISHED SIZE:
    Approx. 12cm to top of Head

    Approx. 32 sts and 45 rows to 10cm over stocking stitch using 2.75mm needles

    k knit
    k2tog knit two together
    m1 make one stitch, by picking up the horizontal loop before next stitch and knitting into back of it
    p purl
    psso pass slipped stitch over
    st(s) stitch(es)
    sl1 slip one stitch
    tbl through the back of the loop(s)
    WS wrong side

  2. Tiny Clanger - HEAD, BODY & LEGS
    Cast on 6 sts.
    Row 1 (RS): Knit.
    Row 2: Purl.
    Repeat last two rows once more.
    Row 5: K1, m1, k to last st, m1, k1. (8 sts)
    Row 6: Purl.
    Repeat last two rows until there are 18 sts, ending with a purl row.
    Row 17: As row 5. (20 sts)
    Row 18: P1, m1, p to last st, m1, p1. (22 sts)
    Repeat last two rows until there are 28 sts, ending with a knit row.
    Row 22: Purl.

    Next row (RS): K1, m1, k to last 2 sts, turn.
    Next row: Sl1, p to last 2 sts, turn.
    Next row: Sl1, k to last 4 sts, turn.
    Next row: Sl1, p to last 4 sts, turn.
    Continue in this way, working 2 sts less on each row until ‘sl1, p to last 12 sts, turn’ has been worked.
    Next row: Sl1, k to last st, m1, k1. (30 sts)
    Next row: Purl to end.
    Continue working in stocking stitch, increasing 1 st as set in row 5 at each end of every knit row until there are 42 sts, ending with a knit row.

    Next row (WS): P8, cast off next 4 sts, p18 (include st used in cast off), cast off next 4 sts, p to end.
    Next row: K1, m1, k7, turn, cast on 4 sts, turn, k18, turn, cast on 4 sts, turn, k to last st, m1, k1. (44 sts)
    Next row: Purl to end.
    Continue working in stocking stitch, increasing 1 st as set in row 5 at each end of every knit row until there are 48 sts.
    Work next 13 rows straight, ending with a purl row.

    Row 1 (RS): K8, k2tog, k4, k2tog, k16, k2tog tbl, k4, k2tog tbl, k to end. (44 sts)
    Row 2 and all WS rows: Purl.
    Row 3: K8, k2tog, k3, k2tog, k14, k2tog tbl, k3, k2tog tbl, k to end. (40 sts)
    Row 5: K8, k2tog, k2, k2tog, k12, k2tog tbl, k2, k2tog tbl, k to end. (36 sts)
    Row 7: Cast off 4 sts, k10 (include st used in cast-off), cast off 8 sts, k to end.
    Row 8: Cast off 4 sts, p10 (include st used in cast-off), turn.
    Starting with a knit row, work three rows in stocking stitch on this set of 10 sts.
    Cast off and break off yarn.
    With WS facing, rejoin yarn to remaining 10 sts and, starting with a purl row, work four rows in stocking stitch.
    Cast off.

    ARMS (MAKE 2)
    Cast on 8 sts.
    Row 1 (RS): Knit.
    Row 2: Purl.
    Row 3: K1, m1, k to last st, m1, k1. (10 sts)
    Starting with a purl row, work three rows in stocking stitch.
    Row 7: As row 3. (12 sts)
    Starting with a purl row, work three rows in stocking stitch.
    Cast off.

    Cast on 3 sts.
    Row 1 (WS): Purl.
    Row 2: K1, m1, k1, m1, k1. (5 sts)
    Row 3: P1, m1, p3, m1, p1. (7 sts)
    Starting with a knit row, work four rows in stocking stitch.
    Row 8: K1, k2tog tbl, k1, k2tog, k1. (5 sts)
    Row 9: Purl.
    Row 10: K1, sl1, k2tog, psso, k1.
    (3 sts)
    Cast off.

  3. Making Up - Sew in all loose ends. Gently press Arms, Ears and the outer edges of Body to stop the edges from curling: this will help with the sewing up. Fold Body in half, wrong sides together, and pin the edges at regular intervals to keep them even. With right sides facing, use mattress stitch to sew from the bottom seam towards the Nose. Starting from the cast-off edge, sew up the Legs using a long enough tail of yarn so that you can sew the bottom seam once the Clanger has been stuffed. Insert stuffing through the open bottom seam, using a small amount to start with so that you do not overstuff the Nose. Once stuffed, sew up the bottom seam. Fold one Arm in half, wrong sides together. With right sides facing, use mattress stitch to sew up the cast on edge and side seam of Arm. Repeat for the second Arm, then stuff both firmly and sew to the Armholes.

  4. Features - Using the templates provided, trace the shapes and cut out from card. Refer to the photographs as a guide for positioning the features and sew them in place using thread to match the felt colour.
    Eyes: Cut two small circles of black felt, then pin and stitch to Head.
    Nose: Cut a small circle of pink felt, then stitch into position.
    Ears: Using template and pink felt, cut two inner Ears and stitch to wrong side of knitted outer Ears. Pin and stitch Ears to Head, leaving enough space between
    the Ears for the Hair.
    Hands: Using template and pink felt, cut two hands, then pin and stitch to bottom of Arms.
    Feet: Using template, cut four Feet from black felt and two more from card. Trim the card pieces so that they are slightly smaller than the felt ones. Sandwich both card sections between two black felt shapes and sew around the edges. Once both Feet have been completed, pin and stitch to bottom of Legs.
    Hair: Using template, cut Hair from yellow felt, then pin and stitch into position between Ears.

  5. Outfit - To use the templates provided, trace the shapes and cut them out from card or paper. Refer to the photographs as a guide for making up the outfit.
    Tunic: Cut tunic panels from red felt. Use gold thread to work a running stitch around the outer edges of each felt section. Sew the tunic pieces together using red thread, checking regularly to make sure that the tunic will fit onto the Body and the pieces are not too close together or too far apart.
    Bow: Cut orange felt, 2cm × 2.5cm. Pinch the felt at the centre to form a concertina shape, allowing the edges to fan out. Using orange thread, sew along the centre to secure. Position the bow on top of the Head between the Ears and sew to the Hair.

This pattern has been adapted from Clangers: Make the Clangers and Their Planet with 15 Easy Step-by-step Projects by Peter Firmin (Collins & Brown, £9.99). For more information visit [url=][/url]
