Crafts Beautiful Magazine
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This cross-stitch favourite is sure to brighten up a loved one’s abode

What you need...
  • Card: white, green
    Paper, patterned
    White Aida, 14 count
    DMC stranded threads, various
    Tapestry needle, size 26
    Baker’s twine, grey and white
    Eyelets, red
  1. Homely Hanger - 1 Following the Home Is Where The Heart Is chart, stitch from the middle across one block of Aida. Use two cotton strands for the cross-stitch and one for the backstitch.

    2 After sewing, press and cut out, leaving a two-hole width around the design. Back with white card using double-sided tape, then set aside.

    3 Cover the front of white card, 14cm x 16cm, with red checked paper, leaving a small margin. Set two eyelets at the top, 1.5cm down and 4cm in from each side.

    4 Mount the sampler onto three widening layers of alternating green and red, then stick to the centre of the card. Loop twine through the holes and fasten.

  2. Gift Tag - 1 Using the New Home chart, stitch across one block of Aida. Use two strands of cotton for the cross-stitch and one for the backstitch.

    2 After sewing, press and cut out, leaving a two-hole width around the design. Back with white card using double-sided tape.

    3 Mount onto widening layers of green, red and green, then stick to the centre of white card, 7.5cm x 8.5cm. Set an eyelet in the top-left corner. Loop twine through the holes and fasten.
