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Make the kiddies squeal at this funky bedroom set from Duck Tape

What you need...
  • Duck Tape: Mermaid, Marble, Frozen Blue, Marshmallow Pink, Lilac Lily, Silver Glitter
    Wooden framed cork board
    Thick card
  1. Storage Bags - 1 Create a sheet of double-sided Duck Tape by fixing 32cm long pieces with sticky sides together, leaving a 1cm overlap on the long edge to fix the next section onto. Layer until the sheet measures 20cm deep and trim away any excess overlap on all sides.

    2 Fold the short sides to the middle and stick with matching Duck Tape to make a tube. Use tape to close the bottom. Squash in the corners and secure to make a flat bottomed pouch. Roll the top edge down into a narrow double hem to create a neat top to the bag.

    3 Make larger bags in the same way with longer pieces of tape. Use sharp scissors to cut grab handles in the top of the bag instead of rolling a hem if desired.

  2. Bulletin Board - 1 Remove the cork inner if possible and wrap the frame with full-width strips of Mermaid, folding the edges under the wood.

    2 Overlap 18cm strips of Marble in the top-right to make a square. Cut Mermaid into 1cm wide strips and frame the square, mitring the corners. Snip Marshmallow into 1cm wide strips and create open frames on the left side.

    3 Cut two 30cm lengths and overlap the edge of one onto that of the other. Carefully flip the double width strip over and cover the sticky side with 11cm long pieces of tape running in the opposite direction, allowing a little overlap on each edge.

    4 Measure 12cm from one short edge and trim the overlap from here to the other edge on both sides, tapering in as you do so. Fold the layered tape at 12cm and fix the overlap to the back of the longer part to create a pocket. Make three.

    5 Take Mermaid, 8cm longer than the width of the board, and fold the long edges to the middle to make a strap. Lay the pockets under the strap and fold the top portion over, securing to the inside of the pocket with more tape so they can slide along. Position the strap 20cm up from the bottom of the frame and fix tightly across the board with matching tape.

    6 Cover a Duck Tape sheet with Lilac and draw a narwhal design on the reverse. Cut out and use alcohol pens to mark fins, tail and features. Peel away the backing paper and position on your bulletin board, adding a glitter tape horn.
