Crafts Beautiful Magazine

Create Jane Kharade's stylish pendants from silver sheet

What you need...
  • PENDANT: Silver 0.7mm sheet, 45mm x 81mm (CSA 070), Omega necklet (VVI MFR), Heavy gauge eye pin

    TOOLS Pliers, round-nosed, Wire cutters, Saw frame and blades no 3.0, Bench peg & ‘G’ clamp, Needle files, Coarse, medium and fine emery papers, Metal burnisher, Power tool with 1mm drill bit, Metal block, Metal punch, Jobbing hammer, Hide hammer, Solder paste, Blowtorch, Soldering block, Reverse action tweezers, Safety pickle, Double-sided tape, PVA glue, Wooden round door knob, 40mm, 45mm, Cutting mat, Scalpel no.3 handle and 10A blade, Round cutter, 15mm
  1. Pendant - 1. Download and print the large ornate flower. Stick the motif to a 0.7mm silver sheet with double-sided tape. Mark out points within the flower with a fine marker, then use a metal block and punch to make indents in the metal. This prevents the drill bit from slipping around on the surface and scratching it. Carefully drill 13 pilot holes in the flower with a 1mm drill bit.

    2. Fix a wooden bench peg to a table using a ‘G’ clamp and tighten. Thread a saw blade into the silver sheet via one of the pilot holes. The teeth must be facing down and out as the blades only cut on a downward motion. Tighten the frame to create tension in the blade and hold the saw frame vertical. Position the metal over the ‘V’ in the bench peg Start to cut into the centre of the flower, following the lines on the paper as a guide, then cut around the outside.

    3. Use needle files to remove any rough saw marks and make the flower shape uniform. Mark a point on the flower with a pen and drill a hole for a jump ring. Place the pendant on a rounded 45mm wooden door knob, and use it as a former. Gently tap the pendant with a hide hammer until it becomes slightly convex.

    4. Use a heavy gauge silver eye pin to make the bail for the pendant. Snip off the loop and bend the wire into a curve. Cut the wire to the right length and solder it to the pendant using solder paste, then immerse the piece in a solution of safety pickle, following the manufacturer's instructions.

    5. Use emery papers, starting from coarse through to fine, to remove any scratches and create a high shine. Finish by using a metal burnisher, a soft cloth and jewellery polish to create a mirror finish. Thread the pendant onto an omega necklet or snake chain.

  2. Make it yours - If you wish to create smaller versions of the pendants, finer saw blades will be required to cut them out.
