Crafts Beautiful Magazine
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What you need...
  • Aida, 14 count, pale pink
    DMC stranded cottons (as in the key)
    Needle, tapestry, size 26
    Bow, tiny, white
    Interfacing, iron-on
    Fabric, cotton, lilac, spotted
    Dried lavender
    Twill, white
    White linen, scraps
    Button, heart, pink
    Stamps, rubber, alphabet
    Ink-pad, lilac
    Eyelet, pink
    Shears, pinking
  1. Follow the chart provided to create the hanging bunch of lavender, using two strands of cotton for the cross-stitch. Sew over one block of pale pink Aida. Use two strands of cotton for the stems and add them in long stitches, as shown on the chart.

  2. Once complete, iron interfacing on the patch and cut out the motif using pinking shears, 4.5cm x 6cm. Sew on a white bow. With
    right sides together, sew two panels of lilac cotton fabric, 10cm x 19cm (plus seam allowance) down one side seam. Turn a small hem along the top edge and slip stitch in place.

  3. With right sides together, sew up the second side seam and the bottom. Trim the seams and clip the corners. Iron the lavender cross-stitch patch onto the front of the bag, and sew on a pink heart button in the right corner. Stamp the words ‘With Love’ onto a scrap of white linen and cut out with pinking shears. Sew to the bottom of the bag with big, lilac stitches.

  4. Turn the bag right side out and press. Fill the inside with dried lavender. Tie a 30cm length of white twill around the top. Punch a 2.5cm circle from lilac card and stamp with the letter ‘L’ (or another initial if the bag is a gift). Make a hole and set a pink eyelet, then thread a piece of raffia through and tie around the top of the bag.
