Crafts Beautiful Magazine

Brighten up your boudoir and encourage calming thoughts with these beautiful lavender hearts

What you need...
  • Fabric: cotton; linen, a variety of purple colours
    Felt, white
    Ribbon, purple, organza
    Thread: sewing; embroidery
    Dried lavender
    Sewing machine and quilting foot
  1. Fold a 13cm square piece of paper in half and draw one side of a heart along the fold. Cut this out to create a stencil and use it to make four hearts from purple cotton or linen.

  2. From scrap fabric, cut two pieces, 4.5cm x 8.5cm, and sew these to two of the fabric hearts at an angle. Next, stitch white felt, 2cm x 7.5cm, on top at an opposite angle.

  3. Attach a quilting foot to your sewing machine and free hand embroider a piece of lavender onto one piece and the word ‘Lavandula’ onto the other. Get the remaining hearts and place them on the fronts,
    right sides together.

  4. Position a ribbon in the top, facing inside, then sew up the hearts, leaving a 3cm gap on one side. Turn out and press, then fill the hearts with lavender and stuffing. Use ladder stitch to close up the gap.
