Crafts Beautiful Magazine

Remember your favourite family holiday with the kids, thanks to this fun photographic game

What you need...
  • Box, wooden, stacking storage
    Paper, photographic, lightweight, medium weight
    Photographs, digital
    Craft knife
    Ruler, steel
    Cutting mat
    Card, pale blue
    Adhesive, spray
    Varnish, clear, matt
    Paintbrush, flat
    Rubber buffers, small, clear
  1. Print out pairs of photographs in a grid formation, using medium weight photographic paper to fit your box. The ones here are wallet-sized, suitable for a cigar box, 8cm x 11cm x 11.5cm.

  2. Spray mount the photos onto pieces of mountboard, and roll over with a brayer. Lay on the cutting mat, then carefully trim the images into a minimum of 31 tiles using a steel rule and craft knife. Be sure to make an odd number so there will always be a winner.

  3. Print photos to decorate the sides of the box, then trim and stick on with glue. Run off the title on pale blue card, using deep blue ink. Trim to fit the lid and fix in place. Seal the surfaces with several coats of varnish. Stick rubber buffers to the underside.
