Crafts Beautiful Magazine

Let the hubby know where you are with this embroidered garden sign

What you need...
  • Fabric: Annie’s Seed Packets, 40cm x 50cm; corduroy, green, red, cream, 25cm of each
    Wadding, 25cm
    Interfacing, 40cm x 50cm
    Ribbon, green, 0.3cm, 1cm widths, 25cm each
    Thread: green, brown, orange, red, black, cream
    Buttons, green, two
    Tape, double-sided
    Sewing machine
    Embroidery foot
  1. Layer green spot fabric and some wadding, 22cm square. Cut out a selection of vegetables and arrange them on the fabric. Stitch around the motifs using free motion machine embroidery. Sew through
    both the fabrics and the wadding to create a slightly quilted effect. Use the fabric colours and shapes as a guide for your stitching.

  2. Thread the sewing machine with black thread. Stitch individual letters spelling out ‘I’m in the garden’ onto cream fabric. Cut out each letter and arrange above the vegetables as shown. Stitch around each letter with cream thread.

  3. Cut red corduroy, 22cm square. Place right sides together with the front panel. Sew around the outside with a 0.5cm seam allowance. Leave an open gap of 12cm at the bottom. Trim the edges and clip the corners. Turn right side out, press and stitch closed the gap. Add a hanging ribbon to the top corners, using two green buttons to hide the joins.
