Crafts Beautiful Magazine
What you need...
  • Fabric: jumper, felted; faux fur, white
    Felt, beige, green
    Safety toy eyes, 6mm
    Toy stuffing
    Ribbon, velvet
    Bead, black
    Button, pearl
    Thread: embroidery, stranded, black, pink; sewing

  1. To felt your jumper, wash it on a hot wash to encourage the fibres to matt. This works better with 100% wool garments. Draw a bunny template, then sure it to cut two body pieces (one reversed), one underbody and two outer ears. If you are using a striped garment, ensure the design matches up along the back seam. Make the inner ears from a contrasting colour or another felted jumper.

  2. Pierce a small hole for the eye in each side of the head, using the pattern as a positioning guide. Push the stalk through the right side and fix the washer on the reverse. Pin the two bodies together. Use small over stitches between the tail and chin, open out the legs, then pin the underbody to the bottom of the body, matching points A and B. Sew the underbody in place, leaving a 3cm gap by the tail end. Stuff firmly with polyester filling, then stitch up the gap.

  3. Sew the inner ears to the wrong side of the outer pieces, then fold the bottom edges in half, so the inners are on the inside. Attach them to the head, varying the angle of the ears to give your bunny its own individual expression. To make the tail, cut a 1.5cm x 3cm strip of faux fur fabric and roll it up with the furry side outwards. Sew a few stab stitches through the bottom to keep it together and fix securely in place. In straight stitch, embroider the nose and mouth, as shown, using six strands of thread. Finish off by tying a contrasting bow around the neck. Make the baby bunny in the same way, omitting the inner ears and using two 3mm beads for the eyes.
