Crafts Beautiful Magazine
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We share a delightful gift for the home, complete with matching card and tag

What you need...
  • Card, thick
    Fabric, assorted
    Flowers, embroidered
    Punch, Doily Hearts
    Edge, Martha Stewart
    Ribbon, green: wide, daisy print; narrow, dotty; narrow, organza; narrow, stitched
    Gift box, blank
    Key, rusty
    Ornament, ceramic
    Glue, spray
    Pen, black
  1. Card - 1 Form a blank, 14.5cm square. Using spray glue, stick down the following: pale green fabric for the grass, blue floral fabric for the sky and green
    dotty ribbon to divide the two. Glue a flower embellishment to the bottom left.

    2 Using the template provided on our pattern pages, cut out the house shape from thick card, then glue on co-ordinating fabrics for the roof, bricks, windows and door, as shown. Punch out a strip of hearts in red card, then fix between the roof and the house. Draw window panes and a door handle in black pen.

    3 String green organza ribbon through a punched hole in the roof, then secure to the inside of the card. To finish, add a red heart button for the door handle and write 'Pastures New' in black along the bottom, as shown.

  2. Binder - 1 Cut green dotty fabric to completely cover the file, allowing for an extra inch all the way around. Apply spray glue liberally over the fabric and fix into place. Fold in any raw edges. Stick contrasting fabric across the middle of the file.

    2 Glue lace around the top edge, covering the join between the two fabrics. Repeat this process along the bottom with daisy ribbon. Cut blue floral material, 7.5cm x 11cm, and green dotty fabric, 9.5cm x 14cm. Fix into place, as shown.

    3 Cut a large house from thick card using the template provided. Decorate as described previously, and stick centrally onto the file. To finish, add buttons and flowers, then draw stems and edge the blue and green fabric rectangles with black pen.

  3. Key Box - 1 Cover the top of the box lid with green dotty and blue floral fabrics, as shown. Stick ribbon across the join. Trim green stitched ribbon to fit around the edge of the lid, then glue into place.

    2 Cut out a template for the small house from thick card, then decorate as described before and fix onto the lid. Tie green organza ribbon around a small key and position next to the house. To finish, cover the sides of the box with red floral fabric and write 'Keys' on the green dotty fabric.

  4. Gift Tag - Trace the large tag template onto thick card and cut out. Decorate in the same way as described for the card, but when looping through the ribbon, attach a keepsake ceramic ornament.
