Crafts Beautiful Magazine

Learn how to make your own bridal bouquet with our handmade wedding tutorial

What you need...
  • Ribbons, organza, satin, from 1cm - 5cm wide
    Papers, patterned
    Fabric, cotton, silk, satin
    Beads, pearl
    Buttons, crystal, pearl
    flat-back; crystal, pearl
    Florist’s tape, green
    Pipe cleaners
  1. Focal Fower - 1 Cut a circle of fabric,8cm in diameter, and work running stitches around the edge. Wrap a long thin strip of wadding around the top of a pipe cleaner. Place the circle of fabric over this and pull the stitches tight to gather the fabric around the wadding and create a padded lollipop shape.

    2 Secure the gathers and sew the fabric around the pipe cleaner to hold it in place and form the base. Stitch crochet lace to the back of a large diamanté embellishment, working through the gaps and gathering the lace.

    3 Sew a short end of patterned organza, 3cm wide, to one side of the embellishment behind the crochet lace. Fold the ribbon into a loop, 2cm long and secure behind the lace. Continue looping and sewing to create a ring of petals, then trim any excess ribbon.

    4 Add a second ring of petals in the same way, using 10mm-wide cream organza. Pin the completed flower to the top of the padded lollipop and fix into place with small oversew stitches.

  2. Bead-Centred Blooms - 1 Make a small padded lollipop as for the focal flower, but using a 5cm diameter circle. Stitch a selection of pearl beads closely together on the top of the fabric ball.

    2 Create loopy petals from organza ribbon, 10mm-wide, and sew around the cluster of beads, adding a second ring of larger petals below this with satin ribbon, 20mm wide.

  3. Fabric Rosebuds - 1 Fold a strip of fabric, 7cm x 25cm, in half on the long axis. Slide the top out by 2cm and pin to the edge of the bottom. Secure with a few stitches, then sew the two layers together with running stitch.

    2 Gather the fabric strip, securing with stitches, then fold the end in and bend half a pipe cleaner over it. Roll some of the gathered fabric around the top of the pipe cleaner,securing with stitches. Continue to make a rosebud.

  4. Ribbon Roses - 1 Use running stitches to gather one short end of wide satin ribbon, 40cm long, and tuck under a pipe cleaner. Wrap the ribbon around it once before folding it over at a 90 degree angle.

    2 Stitch the edge of the ribbon to the stem where the two sides cross to hold in place. Continue folding and stitching to create a series of petals curled around the central coil.

    3 Once you reach the end, fold down the short raw edge and stitch it to the pipe cleaner. If desired, glue a pearl bead to the centre with strong PVA.
