Crafts Beautiful Magazine


What you need...
  • BEADS Glass, round, 5mm: red AB x 10; green x 10

    FINDINGS Polymer clay: Fimo Soft, sahara, cognac, chocolate, white, black, cherry red, tropical green, pink, blue, lilac, magenta; Fimo Effects, translucent blue, Liquid polymer clay, Chalk pastel, rust coloured, Paint, acrylic: red; blue, Key ring blank, Charm bracelet, blank, silver-toned, Screw eye fittings, small, silver-toned, Jump rings, 6mm, silver-toned, Head pins, silver-toned

    TOOLS Christmas bauble,round, medium, Cupcake case, silicone, mini, Scalpel, Cutter: scone, fluted,6cm; round, 3.5cm,5.5cm; blossom, 2cm, Pliers: flat-nosed; round-nosed, Side cutters, Brush: paint, fine; suede, Hobby drill, Beading needle, Epoxy resin, two-part, Glitter
  1. Condition a quarter of chocolate clay and roll to 4mm thick. Space small balls of red, black and cognac clay evenly over the chocolate sheet. Roll out again, until the spots merge with the base. Push the sheet into a silicone case, mould and trim as before.

  2. Make another sheet of spotted chocolate clay. Cut a circle with the scone cutter and place on top of the bauble. Condition a quarter of white clay, roll to 2mm thick and cut a wavy shape using the template. Position on the pudding lid and decorate with green holly leaves and red berries. Bake on the formers as before.

  3. Condition blue translucent clay and roll flat. Cut out a 5.5cm circle, then use a 3.5cm cutter to make a slight impression in the middle. Make dots around the edge with a cocktail stick and bake as before. Once cool, paint on a red and blue spot pattern, then glue the pudding to the plate.
