Crafts Beautiful Magazine


Berry Brights

Designer: Crafts Beautiful
christmas, crafts, pens, posca,
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Add a festive sparkle to cards and paper using Posca Pen's vibrant new colour range

What you need...
  • Uni I.C Pens: 3M, Khaki, Red Wine, Violet, Fuchsia, Dark Red, Pale Pink, Apple Green; 1MR, Pink, Dark Green
    Uni ball Signo Sparkling and Metallic inks pen packs
    Card, assorted colours
    Wooden baubles, two
  1. Holly Greeting - 1 Create a green card blank with the fold at the top. Using the gold pen and the swirl template as a guide, draw the pattern along top rim and base to a depth of 20mm.

    2 Trace three holly motifs onto grey card in a horizontal line and colour them in using our photo as a guide. Trim to 7cm x 16.5cm, leaving a couple of leaves overlapping at either end.

    3 Mount the panel onto mauve card and trim it flush leaving a line of mauve at the top, 1cm wide. Apply this securely to the main green card, allowing for a little more green at the bottom.

    4 Embellish the mauve strip with a semi-circle border pattern using red,pink and gold sparkle pens. Decorate the holly panel by adding looped lines between each motif, then round beads over the top.

    5 Decorate the mini wooden bauble shapes and position on the card as shown, so that they look as if they are hanging at different heights.

  2. Wreath Card - 1 Take a pale pink card blank and add a dark red panel to the right side, 3cm wide, then decorate the strip using sparkle pens. Trace out a wreath from the pattern pages onto card and fill in the design following the colour guide. Cut away the centre. Decorate two wooden baubles. Hang one from the back of the card so that it dangles freely where the hole in the wreath will sit.

    2 Secure a circle of gold glitter paper onto the blank, behind the bauble, then position the wreath over the top using foam pads. Add the other wooden bauble just to the right of the sentiment, adding a few berries around the wreath, plus glitter and gems as desired.

  3. Colour Guide - Berries: Match Dark Red 3M with red sparkle detail and Fuchsia 3M with pink sparkle detail and Red Wine 3M with violet sparkle detail.

    Leaves: Use Apple Green 3M and dark green detail; Khaki 3M with gold sparkle detail and the entire leaf gold with various coloured dots to suit.

  4. Paint With Posca - Using a Posca pen you can apply a motif straight onto a coloured surface or alternately use a wide 8K marker to lay down a background colour with ease.

    The coverage that you get with Posca is opaque and flat which gives a lovely subtle finish on 3-D items.

    As you draw with the pen, lift the pressure off just slightly, this will allow the paint to flow through freely.

    Let the paint dry completely for a few hours before handling, or overnight if preferred.
