Crafts Beautiful Magazine



Make a Winter Wonderland Christmas Wreath


Grab your yarn stash to make Create and Craft’s magical decoration!

If you’re an avid pom-pom maker, then you’ll love creating Sarah Jackman Read’s super-fluffy Christmas door wreath containing a snowy scene. Perhaps you have wool lying around that you don’t know what to do with? This is the perfect solution! Grab a pom-pom maker, get winding and we’ll show you how to make a Christmas wreath – it’s the perfect craft for those long winter evenings.

We used…
25cm polystyrene wreath
White DK yarn
35mm pom-pom maker
Embellishments: glittery trees and reindeer, mini white trees
Glue gun and glue sticks

1 Wrap white yarn around one half of the pom-pom maker then repeat on the other side.

2 Cut the wrapped yarn in half, then wrap another length of yarn around it and secure with a double knot.

3 Remove the pom-pom from the maker, then trim off any excess to neaten it. Repeat to make enough pom-poms to cover the front and sides of a 25cm polystyrene wreath (approximately 45).

4 Apply a blob of glue from a glue gun to the polystyrene wreath, then attach a pom-pom on top. Repeat the process until the wreath is covered.

5 Attach a glittery reindeer to the front of the wreath, towards the bottom, then attach glittery trees behind it.

6 Attach some smaller mini white trees to complete the wintery scene.

Craft Shop
Find everything you need to make your Winter Wonderland Christmas Wreath at

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