Crafts Beautiful Magazine



In Pursuit Of Mindfulness With Stuart Hillard


Our brand-new columnist and star crafter Stuart Hillard talks all things mindfulness, relaxation and even reminisces on his very first washing machine!

Our lives are getting busier and the world is a more frantic place now than it was when we were children – I don’t think many of us would disagree with that. It’s not just rose-tinted spectacles that remind me the past was a calmer and less demanding place. The summers weren’t longer, nor was the sky bluer, but a total lack of social media and work emails at midnight meant we had the time to appreciate those things. At its heart, we were able to live in the moment and that’s really central to the concept of mindfulness. 

What we used to call labour saving devices did exactly that; jobs which would have consumed the entire day were streamlined and automated, suddenly we all had more free time to do the things we enjoyed. I remember my family getting our first automated washing machine, Saturday morning came and instead of a full day of steam, puddles and a very harassed mum, the clothes were loaded, a button was pressed and we all went out to the swimming baths. Actually, the very first time we used it we sat around nervously watching the clothes go round and round! These days technology does the opposite, rather than giving us more free time it has robbed us of the ability to switch off. The office is always open, colleagues abroad are starting work just as we should be finishing and our day is never done. We have forgotten what it’s like to relax and live in the here and now.

Many recent studies have shown the benefits of mindfulness and relaxation techniques: improved general health, stress reduction,  faster recovery from illness and decreased depressive symptoms. The benefits are clear but many of us are still wary of something so ‘new-age’, so let’s dispel a few myths. 1 Meditation isn’t a religion and you don’t need to believe anything to feel the benefits. Whilst many people who meditate have religious beliefs, it’s not a requirement.  2 You don’t have to join a class, sit cross-legged on the floor or devote masses of time to be mindful. Anything that focuses your mind on being in the moment counts! 3 Mindfulness isn’t about walking around in a dreamy state or being removed from the real world, it’s about being more self-aware, being calmer and less stressed, making better choices about how we react to our own thoughts and feelings and being kinder to ourselves. 

Try clearing your mind. Think of absolutely nothing at all… it’s just about impossible, isn’t it? Some of us struggle with the concept of doing nothing in much the same way. It’s not just a sense of guilt that we are wasting time or being idle, many of us, myself included, don’t enjoy doing anything and for us, crafting is a fantastic way to switch off from life’s stresses, immerse ourselves in something creative and enjoy the distraction of making. It’s often the most repetitive and simple crafts that are the most relaxing – there’s something soothing about the rhythm that slows our breathing and clears our mind, and maybe while we craft we have a chance to think about the ups and downs of life and maybe we don’t.

Crafting has always been my happy place and one of my greatest joys, my refuge when times are tough and a source of friendship. Over the next few months I’m going to explore some of the ways mindfulness through craft can help us all live happier, healthier lives so I hope you’ll join me next issue for more.

Did you enjoy this read? You’re in luck, as Stuart discusses mindfulness and relaxation in every issue of Crafts Beautiful! See his next column in our Christmas Special, on sale 13th September.

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