Importance of Handmade With Stuart Hillard
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- handmade, mindfulness, read, stuart hillard,
Stuart Hillard reflects on the importance of crafting for Christmas and why gifting handmade can make all the difference
Christmastime is officially in full swing. Every year the decorations seem to appear earlier, the carols and festive pop hits are being played sooner and the desire for a perfect Christmas gets stronger. “It’s the most wonderful time of the year” as the song reminds us, and yet for many people it can also be a stressful and difficult period.
Crafting has always been my happy place and what I turn to when times get tough, so it’s natural for me to have a handmade Christmas. In a very interesting survey I came across recently – which looked at the key things people found stressful during the holidays – shopping, queues, what to buy and worrying that the recipients wouldn’t like the presents were all in the top ten! There are many reasons why a handmade gift is a great idea and this month I’d like to share them with you…
1 Nothing says ‘I love you’ like a unique present. I remember as a child, when money was tight and resources few and far between, my parents would always ask me to make them gifts. Creating takes time, and giving that time to someone you love is one of the most special aspects of this kind of gifting. My parents knew that the energy that I put in was the best way to show my love, and little has changed.
2 Making a gift for someone is a one-of-a-kind, there won’t be another quite like it and even if you use the same bag pattern or recipe for cookies, every single one will be just that little bit different.
3 Handmade gifts reflect the maker, but the best ones also reflect the recipient. If I’m making soaps or candles, I create them in the recipient’s favourite colour and I’ll use scents that I know they’ll love and relate to. There’s a lot of thought in a really great handcrafted gift, it’s not always about the time it takes.
4 It’s all about having fun and a chance to slow down, jump off the merry-go-round and craft somewhere lovely. Whether that’s at home, a cafe or at a shop with friends; perhaps you play your favourite music or Christmas film in the background, it’s you time every bit as much as it’s time spent making something for another. The best part? No car parking spaces to find, no shops to trawl around and no queuing.
5 It’s a chance to explore your stash and find creative ways to use what you already own; mixed with a few new supplies, you’ll have the perfect gift! Remember, the best have a little of you and the recipient in them.
6 Last year I was involved in BBC Radio York’s appeal for warm knitted and crocheted scarves for the homeless and those suffering from poverty. Knitting really helped me to see a bigger picture to the madness of Christmas consumerism and giving them to those in need meant more to me than any other gift.
Now, there’s one factor that pretty much everything else rests on so I’ve saved it until last. Time is everything during this frantic season, and the sooner you get started, the more fun it will be and the better the result. The same survey that I mentioned earlier found that Christmas stress kicked in around the 13th December, becoming more severe by the 18th and peaking at 2pm on the 25th. Get your crafty tools and stash out now, start early and be ahead of the game! Keep your ideas simple and personal; I love knitting and quilting, but I would never knit a sweater or make a quilt at Christmas, they take more time than I can give. However, a pair of mittens in someone’s favourite football team’s colours or a quilted bag will guarantee a smile.
Have a wonderful Christmas season!
Did you enjoy this read? You’re in luck, as Stuart discusses mindfulness and relaxation in every issue of Crafts Beautiful! See his next column in our November issue, on sale 11th October.
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