Attention crafters: Alzheimer’s Research UK needs your help to smash a world record!
A collection of charitable crafters are knitting, crocheting and sewing snakes in an attempt to break a world record and raise money for Alzheimer’s Research UK. The campaign is being organised by Libby Swindells, a Sheltered Scheme Manager from Altrincham. She hopes that people will get crafting all over the world and send their snakes back to be sold to raise funds for the UK’s leading dementia research charity.
Libby, 59, wishes to break the world record for the longest line of soft toys, which currently stands at 1,000, and is looking for others to join her. Everyone is welcome to get involved, no matter where they are. There are free knitting, crochet and sewing patterns available, which can be obtained via post or email. People can also use their own patterns, as long as the resulting snake is no longer than 20 inches long.
This is not the first time Libby has organised such an undertaking. With the help of crafters from all over the world, she raised over £10,000 for dementia charities three years ago by overseeing the creation of 14,000 knitted mice. She has also managed smaller projects to help other charities. Libby has already received snakes in a variety of colours and designs, including some impressive serpents with species-accurate markings. The oldest crafter involved in the campaign so far is a 91-year-old who is living with Alzheimer’s.
Libby, who knits herself, said: “I’m really excited about this new challenge. I hope people everywhere will join in and help us make as many snakes as possible.
“The money we raise will all go to Alzheimer’s Research UK to help find a way to stop dementia. Having worked with older people for 30 years, I know the impact that this awful condition can have.”
The world record attempt will take place on 9th April 2017, where the snakes will be displayed in a mandala shape in the Altrincham Football Ground sports hall. Crafters will raise funds through sponsorship and their creations will also be sold at the end.
Gillian Edwards, Regional Fundraising Officer at Alzheimer’s Research UK, said:
“We’d like to say a huge thank you to Libby and everyone taking part in this huge crafting campaign. It’s brilliant to see so many people coming together to defeat dementia. When there are 47 million people across the world living with dementia, it’s important we do everything we can to stop it.”
If you’d like to get involved, please email or visit You can also get a pattern by post by sending a stamped addressed envelope and your preference of pattern type to Libby Swindells, Wellgreen Lodge, Wellfield Lane, Hale, Greater Manchester, WA15 8NW. This is also the address to send finished snakes to.
For further information about the charity, call 0300 111 5555 or visit their website
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