Move over meditation, there’s a new relaxing activity in town – and this time it’s crafty! Author of the brand-new book Paint Yourself Calm, Jean Haines popped by to tell us more about the incredible benefits of picking up a paintbrush and giving this art form a try. What are you waiting for? Kick back, relax and discover the power of painting with this watercolour maestro.
Congratulations on your latest title, Paint Yourself Calm! Tell us about the new book.
Painting has done so much for me over the years and I wanted to share my experiences in Paint Yourself Calm. When I paint, I have the ability to achieve a wonderful sense of tranquility, often from the colours I am using. I’ve found it can also distract us from forms of anxiety and life’s unexpected hiccups. It can be likened to meditation in this way; it is healthy and easy to do.
It sounds like a true labour of love. What did you enjoy most about putting it together?
Although I was aware of colour therapy and its amazing healing qualities, it was fascinating to research each particular shade to see how it can affect our senses. From writing this book, I’ve improved my own creative time by using scented oils and candles, too. It’s also been wonderful to get feedback from my readers. I’ve been receiving emails that tell extremely touching, personal stories: the book has helped people to cope with illnesses, as well as times of grief or loneliness. My biggest wish is that readers will buy this book as a gift for a friend as an act of kindness.
Your art has a distinct, almost dream-like feel. How did you develop this style?
Initially I was a botanical artist and painted every single detail in each of my creations: this was not a calming experience. In fact at times it was quite stressful, time consuming and I constantly aimed for 100% perfection. At that time I moved to Asia and studied under a master who taught me how to paint without the use of a preliminary sketch – it was so freeing. I was also taught how to feel my painting as it evolved, which took me to an almost transcendental state of being. It’s the feeling I wish to pass on in my book.
When you’re first starting a new painting, what are the elements that you think about?
Sometimes I start with a specific subject in mind and aim to bring it to life with watercolour, but not a day passes where I don’t simply paint a few colour exercises for no other reason than reaching my personal ‘calm painting zone’. It’s a haven that is so heavenly I wish to share it with others!
How would you encourage a nervous newbie to give painting a try?
We are often far to eager to believe we aren’t as good, or as worthy, as others to try new things. However, painting isn’t an activity that should be judged on the results we achieve, but by how we feel when we do it. Many of us loved painting as children but as soon as we turned into adults, it turned into a chore or an out-of-reach goal rather than a relaxing pastime. My advice is to not carry high expectations of achieving masterpieces, just enjoy it!
Describe your creative space.
I paint in my studio, but I find walking in nature is the most inspirational source for my yearning to create. Nature has the power to heal our soul, enrich our lives and lift our spirit. That magical combination, along with vibrant colours and simple painting exercises, can lead us to the highest of highs if we allow it. As an added bonus, I feel more youthful because of the constant recharging of my personal batteries!
You’ve released many inspiring art books over the years. What’s next?
I have several projects in the works right now, which includes a new book being launched later this year titled Atmospheric Flowers in Watercolour. It’s not just about painting flowers: it explains how to connect with nature, why painting flowers can enrich our lives and includes simple step by steps that are easy to follow for beginners.
Last but not least, what exciting things does 2018 hold for you?
As well as my new book, my workshops this year will highlight all the techniques in Paint Yourself Calm and I have several incredible exhibitions to look forward to also. Never one to stand still, always energised by colour, my best answer to this question is “Watch this space!”.
Paint Yourself Calm is on sale now, visit To hear more from Jean, see
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