Crafts Beautiful Magazine



7 Fun Ideas To Keep Kids Crafty This Summer


School’s nearly out for summer, which is why we’ve pooled together a fabulous array of projects to put a halt to calls of ‘I’m bored’ and keep the kids entertained over the six-week hiatus – you’ll be spoilt for choice as to what to pick first!

1 Colouring-in Downloads

7 Fun Ideas To Keep Kids Crafty This Summer

For kids who love to colour, we’ve got a fantastic array of downloads available on our website – simply download, print and go! Whether you’ve got a mini Monet on your hands or an avid doodler, we’ve got something for everyone.

2 DIY Finger Puppets

7 Fun Ideas To Keep Kids Crafty This Summer

Put on a show this summer with these adorable handmade finger puppets. Pile the kitchen table high with leftover fabric scraps, odd buttons and shoeboxes, then let their imagination run wild.

3 Gingerbread Dress-up

7 Fun Ideas To Keep Kids Crafty This Summer

Could your little one be the next Mary Berry? Whip up this simple but oh-so-delicious gingerbread recipe and once baked, personalise each one with edible decorations, cookie cutters and squeezy icing galore.

4 Back to School Stationery

7 Fun Ideas To Keep Kids Crafty This Summer

New stationery can brighten up the end of summer no end, so why not help your child make their own set this year? Create a matching pen pot and notebook, or help them stitch their very own patchwork pencil case.

5 Duck Tape Delights

7 Fun Ideas To Keep Kids Crafty This Summer

Make like Blue Peter and transform a toilet roll into a cute DIY owl ornament. Grab some Duck Tape and our designer Corinne will walk you through all the steps you need to make it. You could even make a set of nine for a game of bowling!

6 Green-fingered Gardeners

7 Fun Ideas To Keep Kids Crafty This Summer

Make the most of sunshine days and head out into the great outdoors. Check out this guide from the BBC and learn how to catch and draw insects, jazz up old plant pots and start a mini veg patch in your garden.

7 Pinterest Projects

7 Fun Ideas To Keep Kids Crafty This Summer

From on-trend fidget spinners to fancy dress costumes, our ‘Makes for Children’ Pinterest board is packed to the brim with even more fun ideas – log on and have a browse to see what you can find.


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