Crafts Beautiful Magazine



5 Reasons to Pick Up a Copy of Crochet Club



1 Crochet for mindfulness

5 Reasons to Pick Up a Copy of Crochet Club

There’s been a lot of buzz lately about mindfulness, but it’s hard to deny that most of us could do with focusing on the present moment, reducing distractions, and slowing down. At this time of year, it’s often easy to get bogged down in hectic Christmas preparations, yet while taking up a new craft might be the last thing on your mind, it’s known to have heaps of benefits for mental health. It’s been proven by Hungarian psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi to improve our sense of ‘flow’, or in other words a state of total concentration and absorption, which allows us to forget ourselves and feel happier.

2 Start crafting straight away

5 Reasons to Pick Up a Copy of Crochet Club

Containing an 8-ball yarn kit and a host of projects to make with it, Crochet Club allows you to get creating from the moment you buy it. You’ll be able to crochet with confidence as the magazine takes all the complication out, laying out simple advice pages to help you along the way. You’ll feel like our experts have truly taken you under their wing with all the handy hints on offer!

3 Exclusive projects

5 Reasons to Pick Up a Copy of Crochet Club

We can’t give too much away, but we can promise our exclusive projects will include an array of super-adorable cuddlies, pretty accessories and makes for your little ‘uns. Designed by crochet whizzes like Sarah Hicks, Heather Gibbs and Hannah Cooper, they’re sure to have you crocheting away to your heart’s content!

4 Get confident with crochet

5 Reasons to Pick Up a Copy of Crochet Club

When taking up any skill, confidence has such a big part to play. Our brains crave challenge, so learning something new is a great way to feed that – but don’t go overboard and choose a difficult first project! Instead, opt for something simple – Crochet Club will feature an array of quick and easy makes in every issue, so you can get a tangible sense of the progress you’re making.

5 Join the crochet community

5 Reasons to Pick Up a Copy of Crochet Club

Crafting naturally prompts interaction and bonding, because you instantly have a point of connection with others. Crochet Club makes it even easier to meet and engage with fellow crocheters, through our Social Hub and All About You sections for your letters, queries, tips and advice. We will also be working with a number of crochet communities across the UK to help you – whether you wish to join a group or simply learn from others, we’ve got you covered!

So don’t forget – it’s coming out on 20th December, you can find it in all good supermarkets and newsagents, and it’s probably the best thing you can buy to kickstart your new year crafting.

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