Bake delicious bunting to display and devour!
What you need...
- 1kg (21/4lb) plain vanilla cookie dough
Wooden skewer
600g (1lb 5oz) softpeak royal icing, split as follows: 25% blue, 25% red, 25% white, 25% for mixing further colours as required
Piping bags, three with no. 2 tube (tips), three with no. 3 tubes (tips)
Ribbon or raffia tape
Preheat the oven to 180ºC (350ºF/Gas 4). Roll out the dough to 0.75cm thick and cut into strips
8cm wide. Cut the strips into triangles 6cm wide. -
Using a skewer, make a hole in each cookie, centrally 1.5cm in from the wide edge. Place the triangles at least 4cm apart on a lined baking sheet and bake for ten minutes.
Remove and immediately widen the holes with the skewer. Allow to cool for a moment before transferring
to a wire rack to cool completely. -
Place 60ml (4tbsp) soft-peak icing in each colour in a piping (pastry) bag with a no. 2 tube (tip). Transfer the rest of the icing into tubs and gradually add water until you have flood-consistency icing. Place 45ml (3tbsp) of each colour in a bag with a no. 3 tube (tip).
Pipe lines around the edges with soft-peak icing. Allow to set then fill in with flood-consistency icing. Pipe spots of flood-consistency icing in a contrasting colour and allow the icing to dry.
Leaving 1m at each end, thread the ribbon through a cookie. Loop it back through the hole and
gently pull taut. Continue spacing the triangles 15cm apart, keeping them facing the same way. Tie the ends in bows ready to hang.
This project was adapted from Bake Me I'm Yours... Sweet Bitesize Bakes by Sarah Trivuncic (RU Craft, £9.99).
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